Our Methods

Using our own methodology and thinking framework, developed through more than 25 years of research and experience, commencing with a rigorous examination of the present and working through to evaluation and review once your project has been delivered.

Working one-on-one or in small groups, it is through our strengths-based coaching that we truly earn our title as your trusted adviser.

Whether we’re delivering training or facilitating a workshop, Shape Consulting provide facilitators who are able to generate inputs from multiple perspectives in order to create a collective outcome.
Our Panels
We are proud to have qualified for a range of panels, making it simple and easy to engage us.
Australian Public Service Commission
Australian Federal Police
Department of Housing and Public Works: Business Consulting Services
Department of Environment and Science
Department of Industry, Science, Energy & Resources–Energy Panel
QUT – Queensland University of Queensland
Queensland Rail: Coaching Services
Brisbane City Council
Local Buy: Human Resources & Employee Services
Local Buy: Business, Finance & Organisational Management Services
Ipswich City Council
Gympie Regional Council
Gladstone Regional Council
Lets start a conversation!
We’d love to hear about the challenges and the opportunities in your world, so drop us a line and we’ll be in touch.